Entries by Gary L. Francione

The New York City Bar Association Sets a Low Bar for Balance

Dear Colleagues I just got an announcement that on November 11, 2010, the New York City Bar Association, Committee on Legal Issues Pertaining to Animals, is having a program that is described in this way: Happy Cows Come from California’ – Puffery or Consumer Fraud? Thursday, November 11, 2010 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Labeling […]

Mary Bale, Michael Vick, and Moral Schizophrenia

Dear Colleagues: Mary Bale dropped a cat into a dumpster where the unfortunate animal was trapped for approximately 15 hours before being released. Her callous act was captured on video and it was disseminated on YouTube. One report described the public reaction in this way: The “cat bin woman” from Coventry became reviled around the […]

The Friendly Face of Torture, Death, and Animal Exploitation

Dear Colleagues: If you question whether animal welfare reform is in the interests of industry, look no further than the October 21, 2010 article in the New York Times about controlled-atmosphere stunning of poultry, which, as I discussed in an essay here in 2008, is promoted by PETA and PETA award-winning slaughterhouse designer, Temple Grandin. […]

A Welfarist Dream Come True: The Animal Abuse Registry

Dear Colleagues: Imagine you want to find a single-issue campaign that will allow you to fundraise endlessly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so that you (and, more important, your donors) can “help the animals.” Imagine that this campaign will not require anyone to change their behavior toward animals. They can continue to […]

Blessing Exploitation

Dear Colleagues: If you promote being a “conscientious omnivore” as the “compassionate” choice, guess what? People will continue to eat animal products. They will continue to participate directly in animal exploitation and see nothing wrong with it. After all, the “experts,” the “animal rights” people have blessed their consumption of animal products. If you promote […]

“Unnecessary” Suffering and Death

Dear Colleagues: We all agree that “unnecessary” animal suffering and death are morally wrong. If that means anything at all, it must mean that we cannot justify animal suffering and death by reasons of pleasure or convenience. But what is our best justification for imposing suffering and death on the 56 billion animals (excluding fish) […]

New French Abolitionist Approach Mirror Site

Dear Colleagues: Marc Vincent, Meryl Pinque and Valéry Giroux have created a mirror site in French. I am delighted that French-speaking animal advocates will now have a site that is an exact replica of our original site. Although there are sites that regularly present authorized translations of my blog essays in Spanish, Portuguese, and German, […]

Viva! vs. the RSPCA…And Don’t Forget the “Donate” Button

Dear Colleagues: In the wake of a controversy in Britain over the sale of halal meat, which involves exsanguination rather than stunning, and the comment by British new welfarist organization Viva! that, “Consumers can do their bit by boycotting places that persist in selling meat from unstunned animals,” I wrote two essays. In the first […]

Effective Animal Rights Advocacy—in Three Easy Steps

Dear Colleagues: Do you want to be an effective animal rights advocate? It’s easy. Here are three simple steps: First, go vegan. If you regard animals as members of the moral community—if you reject the notion of animals as things—you really have no choice but to stop eating, wearing, and using animals or animal products. […]

IndyMediaLive–Tuesday, October 5

Dear Colleagues: I will be a guest on IndyMediaLive on Tuesday, October 5. The show airs on WRIR 97.3 FM in Richmond, Virginia from 12:30 p.m.- -1:00 p.m. The host is Rebecca Faris I will be discussion the abolitionist approach, veganism, and nonviolence. I hope you have an opportunity to listen. The show streams and […]