Entries by Gary L. Francione

A Simple Thought for Christmas 2010

We will never have peace on earth as long as we have suffering and death on our tables or on our backs. Peace begins with what you eat, wear, & use. Being vegan is not sufficient for leading a nonviolent life—but it is most certainly necessary. If you are not vegan, go vegan. It’s easy; […]

No, Ethical Veganism is Not Extreme

Dear Colleagues: There is nothing extreme about ethical veganism. What is extreme is eating decomposing flesh and animal secretions. What is extreme is that we regard some animals as members of our family while, at the same time, we stick forks into the corpses of other animals. What is extreme is thinking that it is […]

The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights in China!

Dear Colleagues: A number of you have written to ask about getting abolitionist theory into countries like the People’s Republic of China. Well, here is a photo of my book, Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog?, translated and published in China by the China University of Political Science and Law Press in […]

The Absurdity of Competing “Humane” Labels: HSUS v. Perdue

Dear Colleagues: Sometimes one does not know where to begin. This is one such time. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has apparently filed a class action suit against Perdue Farms: The Humane Society of the United States announced the filing of a class action lawsuit against the nation’s third-largest poultry producer, Perdue […]

On Veganism From a Medieval Arab Poet

Dear Colleagues: A reader sent me the following, written by medieval Arab poet Abu ‘L’Ala Ahmad ibn ‘Abdallah al-Ma’arri, known as Al-Ma’arri. He was born in 973 and died in 1057. He was blind. The translation was obtained from here. I No Longer Steal from Nature You are diseased in understanding and religion. Come to […]

Peter Singer and I Agree on One Thing: Nonviolence

Dear Colleagues: Peter Singer recently posted the following Tweet in response to the receipt by a UCLA vivisector of razor blades allegedly infected with contaminated blood: Ugh…how will this help the animals? All it does is give the animal movement the worst possible image. http://tinyurl.com/27xmlkr I agree with Singer that violence like this provides a […]

A Thought for Thanksgiving, 2010

Today, as you give thanks for what you have, please do not celebrate by participating in the suffering and death of another. Please do not take what is not yours to take. Please do not participate in the injustice of animal exploitation. Give thanks by appreciating the peace in your heart that you celebrate today […]

“Humane” and “Compassionate” Pedophilia

Dear Colleagues: For many years, I have been making the argument that if animal exploitation cannot be morally justified (and I do not think it can be), then we ought, as an individual matter, to stop our direct participation in animal exploitation by going vegan and we ought, as a social matter, to advocate the […]

Commentary #21: “The Animal Rights Debate,” the Abolitionist Approach Discussion Forum, and a Response to Nicolette Hahn Niman

Dear Colleagues: In this Commentary, I discuss three issues. First, I talk about my new book, The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation?, co-authored with Professor Robert Garner, and published by Columbia University Press. This book focuses on the debate ongoing in the animal advocacy community: should we pursue welfare reform as a means to […]