Entries by Gary L. Francione

What Is Going On at The Vegan Society?

Dear Colleagues: As those of you who read this site (see my blog posts: 1, 2) and are familiar with my work as a general matter know, I regard Donald Watson (1910-2005), founder of the Vegan Society in Britain, as a remarkable person and one of the most enlightened minds of the 20th century. I […]

Interview on New Book

Dear Colleagues: On Wednesday, February 16, I did an hour-long interview on my new book, My most recent book, The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation?, co-authored with Professor Robert Garner of the University of Leicester. The interview was on the Progressive Radio Network with host Caryn Hartglass. [audio:progressive-radio-network-20110216.mp3|titles=Caryn Hartglass of the Progressive Radio Network […]

Interview in The Believer

Dear Colleagues: I was very pleased to have been interviewed by award-winning novelist, Deb Olin Unferth in the The Believer, a widely-circulated magazine that deals with the arts and general culture. I hope that you enjoy the interview, which is here. If you are not vegan, go vegan. It’s easy; it’s better for your health […]

Book Event on Saturday, February 5

Dear Colleagues: On Saturday, February 5, I will be discussing my new book, The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation? at the Grindcore House Cafe in Philadelphia from 6-8 p.m. Grindcore House is a vegan cafe about which everyone raves! I hope to see some of you there. The World is Vegan! If you want […]

Two Upcoming Debates/Discussions

Dear Colleagues: I have two debates/discussions coming up: Debate on Vivisection On March 8, I will debate Dario Ringach, Professor of Neurobiology and Psychology at UCLA. The debate will be at Rutgers University and will be open to all members of the Rutgers community and members of the public if space permits. Professor Ringach and […]

Commentary #22: A Discussion on Abolition vs. Regulation with Robert Garner

Dear Colleagues: My most recent book, The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation?, involves a debate between me and Professor Robert Garner of the University of Leicester. In this Commentary, Professor Garner and I discuss our book. Garner’s position, although a form of what I call “new welfarism,” is different from that of Singer and […]

Wayne Pacelle and I Agree

Dear Colleagues: For many years now, I have been arguing that the large animal protection groups are, for the most part, partners with institutional exploiters and are, in effect, lobbying arms of the food industry. They do not challenge animal use; in fact, they actively support institutionalized animal use, and claim that it’s only the […]

Some Thoughts for the New Year

Dear Colleagues: It is the obligation of all who embrace veganism to educate others in creative ways about the fundamental moral truth of not exploiting the vulnerable. We must all become teachers of nonviolence in our homes, social circles, schools, workplaces, and communities. We start teaching by our own example. Ethical veganism is nonviolence in […]

The Necessity of Theory

Many animal advocates seem to think that we don’t need any theory. We just need to act “for the animals”; we can worry about theory later on. That view is mistaken in at least two respects. First, if we do not have a theory, how are we to choose what things we should promote? If […]