Entries by Gary L. Francione

A Note on Humanlike Intelligence and Moral Value

We frequently see news stories reporting that scientists have determined that nonhuman animals have certain cognitive characteristics that we associate with human intelligence. The implication of this is that if nonhuman animals have humanlike intelligence, then they have greater moral value; the “smarter” they are, in human terms, the more morally valuable they are. This […]

The HSUS-United Egg Producer Agreement: Two Reactions

On July 7, 2011, the Humane Society of the United States and United Egg Producers announced that they would “work together to seek a federal law that would require larger cages and other improved conditions for the nation’s 280 million laying hens.” The proposed legislation, if passed, will be phased in over the next 18 […]

New Interview from the Documentary Project, “I’m Vegan”

Dear Colleagues: In March of 2009, Eric Prescott of the Boston Vegan Association stopped by and spoke with me for about 2 hours. Eric quite skillfully edited the interview to about 20 minutes and he just made it available. Also featured is my rescued friend, Katie Jane! ********** If you are not vegan, go vegan. […]

The Abolitionist Approach in a Nutshell

Dear Colleagues: As long as we think the issue is the treatment of animals, we will seek to make that treatment more “humane.” But because animals are property, that goal is unreachable as a practical matter. The treatment of animals will always constitute torture under the most “humane” circumstances. And the “treatment” (or welfarist) approach […]

Upcoming Debate: Abolition vs. Regulation

Dear Colleagues: This Sunday, April 17, I will debate Professor Robert Garner on Animals Today Radio. Robert and I will talk about abolition vs. regulation, the distinction between use and treatment, the moral value of animal life, the property status of animals, veganism and other topics that we discuss in our book, The Animal Rights […]

What Michael Vick Taught Us

What follows is an edited version of the text of my presentation at Hobart and William Smith Colleges on March 31, 2011 as the 2011 Foster P. Boswell Distinguished Lecturer in Philosophy: WHAT MICHAEL VICK TAUGHT US Remember Michael Vick? Do you remember all the commotion about Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick and his involvement […]

The Logic of a Vegan Diet

Dear Colleagues: As long as we eat animals and animal products, which is completely unnecessary and serves only our palate pleasure, we will continue to use animals for other clearly frivolous purposes. In other words, if you think it is okay to impose suffering and death on animals just because you like the taste of […]

Two New Interviews: Citizen Radio and NZ Vegan Podcast

Dear Colleagues: On March 29, I was interviewed about animal rights and veganism by Jamie Kilstein and Allison Kilkenny of Citizen Radio. You can listen here. On March 24, Elizabeth Collins of NZ Vegan Podcast talked with me about my new book, The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation?, single-issue campaigns, and plant sentience. The […]