Entries by Gary L. Francione

The Legacy of Lennox

Yesterday, July 11, 2012, Lennox, allegedly a pit bull, was killed by the Belfast, Northern Ireland, City Council. Pit bulls are illegal in Northern Ireland. There had been an international campaign to save Lennox and now there is international outrage over his death. And there ought to be. It is nothing but ignorance to regard […]

Animals Today on Sunday, July 8

I will be a guest on Animals Today, airing Sunday, July 8, at 2 p.m.-3 p.m. Pacific; 5 p.m.-6 p.m. EST. ********** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. It is easy and better for your health and for the environment and, most important, it’s the morally right thing to do. The World is […]

Got Practical Vegan Information? You Do Now.

Adam Kochanowicz and Sandra Cummings have produced a terrific resource, the Vegan Starter Kit. This sort of project is of great practical value and I am glad that Adam and Sandra did this. I am sure that you will find it of great use. ********** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. It is […]

A Facebook Exchange About Religion and Animals

This is from an an exchange that occurred in a thread on the Abolitionist Approach Facebook page: Someone asked: Doesn’t the bible inform us that animals are provided by its god for the use of man, and the koran & jewish scriptures ordain how (and which) animals must be slaughtered for human consumption? Skirting past […]

Debate with Professor Michael Marder on Plant Ethics

Professor Michael Marder, author of the forthcoming book, Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life, and I had a brief debate on the issue of plant ethics at the Columbia University Press website. You can find the debate here. ********** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. It is easy and better for your health […]

Violent Imagery in Animal Advocacy

I am asked with some frequency about whether it is advisable to use violent imagery, such as films depicting slaughterhouses or factory farms, as part of abolitionist vegan education. When I express hesitation and concern, people who know of my background will often say, “But didn’t your visiting a slaughterhouse have a profound effect on […]

Garbage as Property

A sign on the side of a dump truck in Los Angeles: It is not enough to be unashamed that we have the level of poverty that we do; we criminalize the efforts of the poor to survive by asserting property rights over garbage. ********** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. It is […]

Some Thoughts for Mother’s Day 2012

There is no better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than by putting an end to your support of the exploitation of nonhuman mothers represented by milk, cheese, and other dairy products. A cow raised for her milk is forcefully impregnated yearly, and her babies are taken away within a few days. She is either pregnant […]