Entries by Gary L. Francione

“Eat Like You Care” Now in Paperback!

You wanted it. We did it. Eat Like You Care is finally in paperback! Direct link to buy paperback book at our Amazon Create Space Store Book website Facebook page ***** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. Veganism is about nonviolence. First and foremost, it’s about nonviolence to other sentient beings. But it’s […]

On Violence as “Entertainment”

Grand Theft Auto 5, which involves cyber participation in all sorts of violence against humans, including homicide, torture, and rape (but maybe it’s “just” cannibalism), as well as nonhumans, has apparently become the fastest selling entertainment product in history. When I made a Facebook comment criticizing the game, I had a horde of gamers become […]

We’re Going in a New Direction. Are You Coming?

Someone wrote to me and said that a welfarist who promotes “cage-free” eggs and other forms of “happy exploitation” suggested that the abolitionist approach was limited and did not provide an effective program for change while welfare reform had a wider and more effective effect. I would call that nonsense but it would be an […]

Let’s Change the Conversation

Let’s Change the Conversation Right now, the discussion about animals is focused on treatment and how to “improve” animal exploitation. As of this time, there really isn’t any serious discussion about whether we should use animals at all. But, according to these researchers, if we had 10% of the population firmly convinced that no animal […]

“Compassionate” Violence is Not the Solution

BBC News reports: Almost a quarter of men surveyed in a UN report looking at violence against women in parts of Asia have admitted to committing at least one rape. That is disgusting but not surprising. Rape and sexual assault are daily realities for many women and girls throughout the world. Whenever I compare promoting […]


Think about this: Joe the Bully is hitting a little child with a big stick. He then picks up a slightly smaller stick, which causes the child a bit less pain, and proceeds to continue to hit the child. Is it better that he uses the smaller stick? Yes. It’s always better to do “less […]

Making a Mockery of Gandhi

In the 5th century, St. Augustine wrote the phrase “Cum dilectione hominum et odio vitiorum,” which means “With love for mankind and hatred of sins.” This became popularized by Gandhi as “Hate the sin, love the sinner.” This is good advice. We should not judge another person because we can’t really see into her or […]

Enabling Animal Exploitation

McDonald’s has announced a new non-vegan vegetarian wrap. And some of the welfarist groups, such as Vegan Outreach, are declaring “Progress for the animals!” Progress? I think not. Think about it: There are, in essence, two groups of people: (1) those who are concerned about animals morally but are continuing to eat animal foods and […]

Animal Welfare Regulation, “Happy Exploitation,” and Speciesism

The Problem: Treating Humans and Nonhumans Differently I maintain that if we cannot morally justify animal exploitation, we ought not to be advocating for (supposedly) more “humane” or “happy” animal exploitation. Some of my reasons for my position are more practical. For example, I do not think that the welfare reforms that are the subject […]

Social Justice, Human Rights, and Being Vegan

Non-vegans frequently point to the admittedly terrible condition of the world and ask vegans: what about important issues of social justice involving humans?; why aren’t you doing more to address those issues? I have four responses: First, there is no conflict here. Being vegan does not require that you stop doing any other good work […]