Entries by Gary L. Francione

Debating Eating Animals at MoMA

On Thursday evening, April 17, I had the pleasure to participate in a program at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City in which we discussed the following proposition: “Design can allow us to humanely include animal products in our diet.” Nicola Twilley argued in favor; I argued against. You can watch […]

On “Journeys”

If many people said, “I did not reject racism overnight; it took me a long time to stop being a racist,” would we say that rejecting racism is a matter of a personal “journey”? Would we say that we should not take the position that racism is unequivocally and absolutely wrong? Would we say that […]

Animal Ethics: Abolition, Regulation, or Citizenship?

Despite 200 years of animal welfare laws, which require “humane” treatment and prohibit the imposition of “unnecessary” suffering, animal exploitation is occurring in more horrific ways than at any time in human history. On Friday, April 11, 2014, Rutgers School of Law–Newark will host a conference on “Animal Ethics: Abolition, Regulation or Citizenship” at which […]

New York Times Debate on Carriage Horses

The New York Times Room for Debate examined the issue of carriage horses in New York City in light of Mayor de Blasio’s pledge to ban them. The abolitionist perspective was represented. You can read the debate in it’s entirety here. Gary L. Francione Professor, Rutgers University

Abolitionist Animal Rights/Abolitionist Veganism: in a Nutshell

The term “abolitionism” applied in the context of animal ethics is largely meaningless because there are people who describe themselves as “abolitionists” who want to see all animal use abolished, those who want to see some but not all animal use abolished, and those who simply want to end some of the “worst abuses” of […]

Some Thoughts on Melissa Bachman and the Lion

Melissa Bachman, who is the host of a hunting show called Deadly Passion, announced on her Facebook page on November 1 that she had killed a lion in South Africa and she posted this picture: The response was remarkable. According to one story, “Bachman found herself the target of vicious death wishes and obscenity-laced insults […]

Do you Eat Like You Care?

Some people claim that it is “extreme” to be vegan. In our new book, Eat Like You Care, we explain why not being vegan is “extreme.” Direct link to the paperback format: https://www.createspace.com/4423398 Direct link to the ebook format on Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Eat-Like-You-Care-Examination-ebook/dp/B00DLTN43C ***** If you are not vegan, please go vegan. Veganism is about nonviolence. […]

The “Happy Exploitation” Partnership

Here is the Bell and Evans website. Bell and Evens is a chicken producer. Bell and Evans advertises that HSUS, PETA, and the Global Animal partnership support it. Please don’t tell me that the major animal groups aren’t partners with the institutional exploiters of animals. Please. Click the picture so that you can read the […]