A Note About Our Virtual Billboard
Dear Colleagues:
Earlier this week, I posted two entries (1,2) about creating a virtual billboard spreading the slogan:
If you want it.
The point of this project is to reinforce a simple idea: that a vegan world is something that humans have the ability to bring into existence. We only have to want it.
I really envisaged this as a virtual billboard. I want the message to get out—all over the world and in every language—over the internet. I want that virtual dissemination to spark discussion and further non-violent vegan educational efforts.
There are some people who are proposing to make and sell items with this slogan. Please understand that neither I nor this site has anything to do with these efforts and we will not solicit or accept any money for promoting this idea of peace and nonviolence.
Thank you. And remember: THE WORLD IS VEGAN. If you want it.
Gary L. Francione
©2009 Gary L. Francione